
Where Is Fort Donelson?

where is fort donelson?

Capture of Fort Donelson « YesterYear Once More

Images from Harper's Weekly on Son of the South, where you can read about the Capture of Fort Donelson.

[From the Boston Daily Advertiser.]

The Capture of Fort Donelson.

"McClernand's division, composed of Oglesby's, Wallace's and McArthur's brigades, suffered terribly. They were composed of the 8th, 9th, 11th, 18th, 20th, 29th, 30th, 31st, 45th, 48th and 49th Illinois regiments."

"The 8th, 18th, 20th and 31st Illinois regiments occupied a position above the fort."

The Battle of Fort Donelson: No Terms but Unconditional Surrender (TN) (Civil War Sesquicentennial)
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James R. Knight

"The four Illinois regiments held their ground full three hours. Nearly one-third had been killed and wound. Yet the balance stood firm."

O, gales that dashed th' Atlantic swell
Along our rock shores,
Whose thunders diapason well
New England's glad hurrahs, –

Bear to the prairies of the West
The echoes of our joy;
The prayer that spring's in every breast,
"God bless thee — Illinois!"

O, awful hours, when grape and shell
Tore through th' unflinching line;
"Stand firm, remove the men who fell,
Close up and wait the sign."

Where the South Lost the War: An Analysis of the Fort Henry-Fort Donelson Campaign, February 1862
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Kendall D. Gott

It came at last: "Now lads the steel!"
The rushing hosts deploy;
"Charge boys!" — the broken traitors reel.
Huzza for Illinois!

In vain thy rampart, Donelson,
The living torrent bars;
It leaps the wall, the fort is won,
Up go the Stripes and Stars.

Thy proudest mother's eyelids fill,
As dares her gallant boy,
And Plymouth Rock and Bunker Hill
Yearn to thee — Illinois.

Boston, Feb. 22, 1862

The Berkshire County Eagle (Pittsfield, Massachusetts) Mar 20, 1862


Tags: 1862, Civil War, Fort Donelson, General McClernand, Illinois, Poetry

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