
Custom Guitar Hero Songs How

custom guitar hero songs how

Custom Songs From Guitar Hero

Gamer fans of all systems like XBox, Playstation, Nintendo, etc. are enthralled with Music from the Guitar Hero. Users are now able to add their own custom songs to it in addition the 100′s of songs that already come with the game. You can use the following method to add custom tunes to Guitar Hero.

Step 1: Install Guitar Hero III before you can acquire customs songs for the game.

Step 2: Locate the new song you want to insert, whether it comes from a website or from your own collection. Be certain to respect the copyright laws when you decide on a song. Ensure that you have the song you want to add located on the computer in MP3 or OGG format.

Step 3: Install the song list editor. You will need a program that will help you to get custom songs from the internet to your PC version of Guitar Hero. Find the list editor here: http://www.mundayweb.com/progs/downloads/songlist_editor_v032.zip

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Because it is a .zip file, it needs to be extracted before the program will work. Most of the time, this can be started by simply clicking on the file name once it is imported. (If it doesn't, go to your unzipping program and extract Song List Editor.) The file 'songlist_editor.exe' should appear. Load the program by clicking here.

Step 4: The chart file or MIDI file has to be downloaded to determine what guitar notes you need to play. Sign up at http://www.scorehero.com/ to get access to the pages of the chart files for just about any song. You can find the library in the website's 'Custom Songs' section. The chart file should be downloaded to your computer once you find it.

Step 5: Change the chart file to a MIDI file. It must be converted into a MIDI file after you select a customized song that you want to import into Guitar Hero.

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Download Chart2.Mid2Chart.zip here: http://www.mundayweb.com/progs/downloads/Chart2Mid2Chart.zip. As with Song List Editor, extract the files from the .zip file, run the .exe file and open the program. Browse for the chart file(s) you just downloaded. Then get the 'Guitar Hero' circle (not Rock Band), and click on 'convert'. This will create a MIDI file from the chart file you downloaded, and save it to the same directory.

Step 6: Input the song into the Song list editor. Now you can place your song onto the Song List Editor. Start the program and select, Insert New Song. Input the song title (in lowercase letters). For the Guitar Track, Rhythm Track and Song Track spaces, browse and select the .mp3 or .OGG version. Search for the MIDI formatted file you made in the MIDI search area. Next add the details of the song, like the title and the year it was put out. After you have entered that info, click ok.

Step 7: Wait until the song is fully converted to a custom Hero Song. Once you have clicked OK, you will have to wait a couple of minutes to allow the conversion process to work. Then there will be a black screen that says the file is done creating fsb. The song should now appear in the Song List Editor on the left hand side.

Step 8: Add the custom song onto the list. Edit set lists in Song List Editor. Choose the 'Bonus Songs' option from the menu. Next, you should increase the quantity of songs that are in every level by one. The next step is to locate the drop down menu for "song number," and pick the last song listed. Choose the custom song you are trying to import from the song list drop down box. Click OK. The custom song should appear in that blank space you added at the end of your playlist.

Step 9: Click to save your changes. Finally, you should save the changes and additions you made to Guitar Hero. The steps are: (1) Go to "file," (2) Click "save," and (3) Click "OK" when the warning message flashes. Congratulations you have now succeeded in importing a custom song to Guitar Hero. Now you can get going!

(These instructions will not work for Playstation, Xbox or Wii users. Visit http://www.scorehero.com/ for help getting custom Guitar Hero songs for these consoles.)

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