
What Is Outside The Universe?

what is outside the universe?

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Outside the Universe
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Added : 11th January 2012
Cat: Adventure And Travel
Tags : Outside, Universe
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Mindfingers: What Colour Is It Outside the Universe?

Come on, admit it, youve had this question. If the Universe is expanding from the Big Bang, what is it expanding into? Whats outside the Universe? Ask any astronomer and youll get an unsatisfying answer. We give you the ... read more

Ilya Bryzgalov Explains The Mysteries Of The Universe, Tigers, And ...

Visually the outside of the universe appears to be the same, a black void rather than white emptiness. It might be that during The Doctors Wife we are just looking back towards our universe and that if we looked the other way ... read more

"Outside the universe, where weve never, ever been."

Im not sure color can exist outside of the universe since color is the result of electromagnetic wavelengths and the eye. colors are especially dependent on the structure of the human eye; we have three different ... read more

Ep. 28: What is the universe expanding into?

As well most people are taught not to question what they read, therefore they will not go outside the ready made of thought. There was a time we were taught that the world IS flat and that the universe rotated around the ... read more

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